Thursday, November 20, 2008


Over the next week I’ll be sharing with you some detail around the six human needs. These are the fundamental drivers that determine how we get motivated to live our lives.

With each of these Needs I’ll also pose a challenging question to encourage you to think about how you take positive action to bring more balance into your live.

So without further ado, let’s get started.


In order for us to function efficiently in the world you need to be able to get out of bed in the morning and have the luxury of taking certain things for granted. Perhaps one of the first things you’d want to take for granted is that there is a bed to get of in the first place. Others will include: that there will be enough food to eat and clean water, the car will start, you’ll still have a job when you get to the office, your partner will still want to be with you when you get home, you’ll get a pay check at the end of the month.

I’m sure you’ve experienced situations where these basic areas have not been so certain, like when the boiler breaks down, or the car dies, or you lose your job; or you home. Suddenly those details that had sat in the background of your awareness become the only thing you can focus on.

QUESTION: What in your life do you really value but take for granted? Is there anything you have neglected for a while that could really do with some attention?

Take care of these details. Prevention is better than cure and you don’t miss your water ‘till your well runs dry!!

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