Monday, January 19, 2009


Quotes are such powerful directors of thought. They have the ability to condense big and complex ideas or concepts into short, snappy phrases that cut straight through to the simple truth of things.

One of the quotes that has had the most profound and lasting effect on me comes from Gandhi. He said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world".

When I heard this for the first time I experienced a massive light bulb moment. Everything I had been seeking to learn about how to positively influence the world around me suddenly came together in flash of clarity. That instant I realised that in order for things to get better, I was going to have to get better.

This is what getting better meant to me:

  • If I want others to be kind and considered towards me.... I must demonstrate kindness and consideration towards them
  • If I wanted them to be motivated... I must show them I am motivated
  • If I want to be wealthy... I must give my heartfelt warm wishes to those who are already wealthy (there is no room for hidden jealousy)
  • If I want to attract love into my life... I must be the embodiment of love
  • If I want harmony in the world... I must be harmonious
  • If I want to be appreciated... I must share
  • If I want to be heard... I must listen
  • If I want to receive... I must give

Like attracts like. Nothing in your life will improve by listing everything that is wrong with the world (or the people in it). The most powerful influencing tool you possess is your ability to be the example of what you desire there to be more of.

People only respond to you in ways that are consistent with the manner in which you present yourself. If you change, then they have to change also to accommodate it. That is the nature of human interaction.

You will rarely make someone see your point of view by arguing with theirs. If you want them to understand you, then understand them. Somewhere along the line there is a truth you can both agree with.

Peace will never be achieved through war. Mother Teresa often refused to take part in anti-war marches, requesting that they should give her a call if they ever decide to walk for peace. This distinction is critical.

Think about the situations and people in your own life. What would being the change you wish to see in the world mean for you? What are you frustrated by? What do you need to be doing, or being, that you have not already that will cause the world to respond more favourably towards you?


Kami said...

This is plain beautiful! I got a warm feeling in my heart reading it, for this has been one of my most cherished understandings. Took me a few years of pain, and disappointment wondering why are people treating me in a certain way, why are they doing certain things. I was shocked and surprised to see I had the same behavior in a form or another. Sometimes the "patterns" seem to be repeated in every area of your life. It's like the Universe is screaming for you to realize it.
Other times the patterns show up in a different area than the one you are manifesting the "flawed" behavior.
Don't you just love life?! It's full of fun mysteries to solve ^-^
I think I will read your blog everyday just to make sure I remember.

Anonymous said...

I write the blog because it is what I need to read! I teach "be the change" in one of the workshops I run and without fail it starts off being met with resistance but as the day goes on most people end up saying "yeah, it I see it now..." . It's a wonderful thing to see the shift happen others when they get it.